How do I recieve more calls?
- So the game gives you the number of stations you have plus one and that will become your limit, when you gain more stations you will start receiving more incidents to manage.
- You can speed up or slow down the rate you receive calls in your profile options under speed.
- For example: A player has 2 fire stations and an ambulance station, they will receive a maximum of 3 calls at any time.
How do status codes work?
- Status codes, shown on the stations hub, on units when selected and the radio allow you to quickly be able to see what the unit is doing at the particular time.
Status 1 - Clear and Available (These units are returning to stations / standby point and can be dispatched)
Status 2 - On Station and Available (These units are in the station and are ready to respond)
Status 3 - Responding (These units are en route to a mission)
Status 4 - On Scene (These units are busy at a call and can not be dispatched (apart from follow-up))
Status 5 - Requiring Transport (These units are needing to be transported to either a prison or a hospital)
Status 6 - Unavailable (You can assign vehicles as status 6 from the vehicle menu which will stop it from being dispatched)
Status 7 - Transporting (En route to prison or hospital with prisoner or patient)
How do I gain more staff?
- Head into the station's staff management page or dispatch centre's buildings tab, and you can select a recruitment period.
- Most people choose 3 days, as this means that for every night the station is recruiting, you will gain a staff member.
- You can also choose to hire with coins, or you can transfer staff from other stations.
How does training work?
- As you progress into the game, you will start to require specialist units, which need staff with specialist training to operate.
- To train a staff member, you must either use your own training facility, start a course and assign the person to the course, or you can participate in alliance courses.
When should I start building hospitals, police stations etc?
- Ultimately, it is your choice whether you play the fire, police or ambulance route. Each one has different challenges, each one has different strengths.
- However, I would recommend starting with Fire, because the missions that pay highest are spawned by fire stations, then police, then ambulance stations pay the least.
- If you start with police or ambulance, you will need to think about building hospitals and jail cells (in police stations) at some point, or you can use alliance facilities.
- These alliance facilities, however, can be taxed, meaning the owner will earn some money if you send to their building.
What are Alarm and Response Regulations (ARRs)?
- Alarm and Response Regulations allow you to set a predetermined amount of vehicles to dispatch. You can create your own or import someone else's.
- For example, you may create an ARR for the mission CBRNE incident in a public place and on clicking that, it will select all the vehicles you had set it to send.
After sending units to an incident and the timer stops, before other units arrive can you dispatch them to other missions?
- For the mission to complete, you have to have all units present and on scene. They must also stay on scene until the misison is finished.
- This means that you can not dispatch them to other misisons while they are on scene, unless you use the follow-up feature.
What happens if I transport to a hospital without the correct facility?
- Some patients require a specific hospital facility (eg. Traumatology) and if you transport a patient to a hospital with the correct extention, you will recieve a larger pay out.
- If you send to a hospital without the facility, you will recieve less credits at the end of the transport.
How can I use hotkeys?
- Hotkeys can be used to speed up dispatching, and can also be used to navigate around the game.
- While on a mission, the key 'A' will move back one mission, 'S' sends the currently selected vehicles and 'D' moves forward one mission.
- You can also customise the hotkeys for vehicles, by entering into the ARR, and customising which key can dispatch which.